Week 4: Heads Down, Thumbs up
This game is going to test your guessing abilities! This game is best played in a classroom!
How to play:
- Make sure everyone is seated.
- Select 4-7 volunteers. The volunteers should come to the front of the room.
- Teacher Calls "heads down, thumbs up." Tell everyone who is not one of the selected volunteers to rest their heads on the table. They should also be told to close their eyes tightly and raise one thumb up.
- Have the chosen volunteers circulate throughout the room. They are to choose one person and press down on that person's thumb (turn that person's thumbs up to a thumbs down). They then return to the front of the room.
- One volunteer can only press one person's thumb down. This means that in total there should now be seven individuals with thumbs down, while the rest of the room still has their thumbs up
- Volunteers should be as quiet as possible so as to confuse those with their heads down.
- Call "heads up, seven up". Ask those whose thumbs have been turned down to guess which volunteer touched them.
- Children who go guess after others who have guessed generally have an advantage, especially if one or more volunteers have been correctly eliminated. To make the game fair, the teacher can change up how the seven selected individuals are called upon to guess the person who touched their thumbs (e.g., call students front-to-back, left-to right, or in alphabetical order, etc.).
- Sit down or swap places. Students who guess wrong remain seated. Students who correctly guess who pressed their thumbs swap places with those volunteers and go to the front.
- Play again. The game can last as long as you like. Because it's short, you can repeat it as many times as you want!